“Driving Performance”
Our Services
Developing and perfecting our AMG power levels for more than a decade has offered customer-oriented ways of remapping (software optimization) that set global standards regarding safety, efficiency and performance.
We always write and reprogram the software (ECU & TCU) individually for our customers without using any tuning boxes but balancing what our customers want and what safety guarantees in every single project.
Successful AMG remapping provides all our customers with the power output and safety needed: In our software all necessary protective functions are permanently active and we’ve developed additional security features for engines and gearboxes to work reliably in the long run. Based on these approved principles of remapping, our portfolio ranges from Stage 1 to Stage 3 levels of performance.
"Creative Solutions and Results set breath-taking Records"
Building the concept
Our STAGE 1 is a fully customized software remap (timing, fueling, boost, etc.) on our state-of-the-art dyno (Dynostar RC-3300AWD) leading to impressive numbers on the Autobahn while leaving hardware untouched.
Our STAGE 2 is completely about maximizing the engine´s efficiency by integrating optimized parts to increase air flow (larger intercoolers, downpipes, etc.) resulting in an impressive output of additional performance.
Our STAGE 3 is the ultimate level of performance achieved by exchanging limiting internals (for forged pistons/rods, upgraded turbos, clutches, injectors, pumps, etc.) and reprogramming the software (ECU & TCU) making your ambitious visions come true.
You can find more information “HERE”
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Success follows Passion